
Pinewood Infant School and Foundation Unit

'Together we give children the roots to grow and the wings to fly'

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Lions - Year 2

Welcome to Lions!

Hello and welcome to our Year 2 Lions' class page.

 We have lots of fun whilst learning and we have so many exciting things planned for the year.  Please check our class dojo regularly for updates about what we get up to!


Our start and finish times are 8.40am and 3.20pm. On Thursdays, we will have PE in the afternoon and the children will need to come to school in their PE kit.


Please keep checking this page to see what we have been up to.  If you have any questions or worries just send us a message on class dojo.



Staff in Year 2

6th January-Starry Night Launch Day

18th November-A Visit from the Partake Theatre Company

15th November-We loved wearing our pyjamas to show our support for Children In Need!

10th October-Mental Health Day

A Year As A Lion 2023-2024
