School Improvement Priorities 2023-24
The School Improvement Plan is the document which drives ongoing improvements and developments in school. The Governing Body is responsible for evaluating the progress made against the plan and has an approved process in place for regular and effective monitoring. At Pinewood we never ever sit tight, we are always striving for improvement and excellence in all that we do. Our main school priorities this year are:
- To ensure greater depth opportunities across the curriculum with real clarity of what exceptional GDS opportunities for children looks like across the year groups in all subjects
- Increased whole school opportunities and approaches to RE that incorporate links between assemblies, visits and visitors and increased opportunities for whole school events and opportunities for awe and wonder
- Embed continuous provision in Y1
- To continue our mental health and well-being journey
How you can help?
- Please ensure your child is in school every day
- Follow our attendance procedure
- Please make sure you are registered with Dojo and keep up to date with your child's learning
- Please read daily if possible with your child
- If you are a person of faith and would like to come and chat with our children about your religion then please talk to us
- If you have any ideas for excellent visits or visitors to support our RE curriculum then please let Ms Otter know
- If you have a talent and would like to support us with an after school extra-curricular club then please let us know
- Make sure we know if your child has a special interest or a special talent or if you have an idea for a club that will support with aspiration
- Encourage your child to take part in activities outside school that require problem solving and critical thinking
- Talk with your child about his or her learning.