
Pinewood Infant School and Foundation Unit

'Together we give children the roots to grow and the wings to fly'

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Paul Litowczuk Strategic Committee Chair


Paul Litowczuk

Appointed 12.11.20

Co-opted Governor

Term: 12/11/20 - 11/11/24


My name is Paul Litowczuk and I am a Local Authority appointed Governor. I am from Nottingham and have lived in Mapperley for the past 30 years. I have been involved in education for the majority of my career as a teacher, senior leader and school improvement adviser.

Recently retired, I still have a passionate interest in education and in helping to ensure that all children have the very best opportunity to thrive and learn.  

I am pleased to be part of the governor team so that, working together with the school, we can all strive to ensure that the highest standards of education for all pupils are maintained.



Committee: Strategic and Pupils (Chair)



Roles: Vice Chair 

            Maths Link

            Science Link

            Year 1 Link

            Head Teacher Appraisal
