Our Intent: At Pinewood we want our children to gain knowledge about what Christians believe as well as gaining a sense of right and wrong and how to live with a strong sense of moral values. We also want to prepare them for life in diverse Britain, knowing and understanding about different faiths and cultures and how to be respectful and tolerant of others and their beliefs.
Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. RE is an important subject in itself, developing our pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society.
Implementation: At Pinewood RE is planned and taught in line with the new Notts Agreed Syllabus with 4 topics for each year group in KS1 and 6 questions to explore in the Foundation Stage. Children are taught to value and respect one another and are proud of their achievements and those of their peers.
Religious education provokes challenging questions and discussions including beliefs about God, understanding ourselves, issues of right and wrong and individual beliefs. It can develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, of other principal religions, different religious traditions and worldviews.
Children know our school values and talk about them regularly as well as part of collective worship, PSHE, RE and story sessions
Collective worship is planned termly including themes from RE, PSHE and British values. It also relates to events, celebrations and festivals from around the world.
It was World Religion Day on Sunday 15th January 2023- We had an assembly on all the different religions and learning to celebrate difference and respect all beliefs. Ian from St Mary's Church came and taught us a lovely hymn too!