
Pinewood Infant School and Foundation Unit

'Together we give children the roots to grow and the wings to fly'

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Welcome Back!

Dear Parents/Carers,
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you and your child back to school tomorrow after what I hope has been a restful summer holiday. I am sending this letter to remind you of some of the key school arrangements in place:

  •  We will no longer be operating in bubbles.
  •  We will go back to normal school times 8:40am-3:20pm full time school; 8:30-11:30 and 12:15-3:15 Nursery.
  •  F1 and F2 children will continue to enter their classrooms through the bottom gate in the car park but parents will be able to walk around to the classroom with their children. We will direct you in the morning so you know where to go.
  • KS1 parents in the morning will be able to walk around to the classroom doors again for an 8:40 start-please enter through the top gate.
  • F1 and F2 parents will collect from the bottom gate in the car park.
  • With the exception of Y1 Jaguars, KS1 classes will be collected from outside the classroom doors but please try to limit congestion. Year 1 Jaguars (at the end of the day only) will be dismissed though the main school entrance by the school office to help limit congestion upstairs.
  • The gate on the playground at the top of the footpath will continue to remain locked.
  • Breakfast club will start Monday; After School Club this Thursday.
  • Please note, children displaying COVID-19 symptoms (new, continuous cough, or high temperature, or loss/change to sense of smell or taste) should continue to get a PCR test and self-isolate until they receive their result. Also, children no longer need to self-isolate if they have been identified as a close contact of a person with a positive result. Instead, they should take a PCR test to confirm they do not have the virus and if this is negative, they should continue to attend school unless they start to develop any symptoms as described above.
  • We will ensure rooms are well ventilated and will continue to ensure hand washing at points throughout the school day.
  • We do ask that you continue to be respectful and courteous to others at drop off and collection times, with people still choosing to maintain social distancing when possible.

Please read our most up to date Covid information by following this link: click here . See you in the morning.
Kind regards
Rachel Otter
Head Teacher
